
Press office

av福利社 press office only takes calls from journalists. We are open from 9am to 5pm.

If you are not a journalist, and for all other enquiries, call our main switchboard on +44 (0)20 7242 1222.

Find out how to contact or visit us

Media enquiries

If you are a journalist and have a media enquiry, call +44 (0)20 7320 5764.

For urgent out-of-hours press queries, call +44 (0)20 3189 1880.

Email the press office to register for regular updates

Press office contact details

Meera Khanna, head of media

Mobile: +44 (0)7714 674579
Phone: +44 (0)20 8049 3957
Email: meera.khanna@lawsociety.org.uk

Peggy Papakosta, media manager

Phone: +44 (0)20 80493817
Email: peggy.papakosta@lawsociety.org.uk

Nick Mayo, press officer

Mobile: +44 (0)7966 858193
Phone: +44 (0)208 049 4100
Email: nick.mayo@lawsociety.org.uk

Naomi Jeffreys, press officer

Mobile: +44 (0)7792 646 902
Phone: +44 (0)208 049 3928
Email: naomi.jeffreys@lawsociety.org.uk

Shanzeh Haque, junior press officer

Mobile: +44 (0) 7875 527482
Phone: +44 (0) 20 8049 4138
Email: shanzeh.haque@lawsociety.org.uk

Kelis Edwards, junior press officer 

Phone: +44 (0) 2036570144
Email: kelis.edwards@lawsociety.org.uk

For members

You may be approached by the media for comment for expert legal advice for use in their story or for a reactive comment on issues that are part of the news cycle.

If you do not feel comfortable speaking to media, you can direct the journalist to the Law Society press office.

av福利社 has specialist guidance available for our members who do want to speak to the media.

The guidance includes how to best handle media requests, dos and don'ts for speaking to media, and the support that is available for our members.

This guidance is available upon request by email to press.office@lawsociety.org.uk.